- Maria
Marcinkowska-Rosół (Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań), Der Elenchos des Parmenides (DK 28 B 6, 1–3 und B 7, 1–2), p. 7–28. FULL TEXT - Marek
Winiarczyk (Universität Wrocław), Die indischen Weisen bei den Alexanderhistorikern, p. 29–77. FIRST PAGE - Emilia
Żybert (University of Wrocław), Simaetha versus Medea: Examples of oppositio in imitando in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica, p. 79–92. FULL TEXT - Iosephus
Korpanty (Universitate Iagellonica), De sonorum iterandorum arte Caesariana, p. 93–109. FIRST PAGE - Gregor
Maurach (Münster), Horaz, Epistel I 18 und 19: Fremdbestimmung und Freiheit, p. 111–125. FIRST PAGE - Magdalena
Koźluk (Université de Łodź), «Illustre champion, n’imitez pas un rhéteur qui attaque sans prouver.» – l’art de la polémique dans De facultatibus naturalibus de Galien, p. 127–136. FIRST PAGE
- Thomas
Gärtner (Universität zu Köln), „Lieber einen Schiffbruch“. Zum Text von Petr. Sat. 101, 7, p. 137–140. FIRST PAGE - Thomas
Gärtner (Universität zu Köln), Ein konservativer Erklärungsversuch zum „Sommerring“ des Crispinus (Iuv. 1, 29), p. 141–144. FIRST PAGE - Krzysztof Tomasz
Witczak (University of Łódź), The Bird Name kasandērion: Problems of Semantics, Etymology and Attribution, p. 145–148. FIRST PAGE - Mikołaj
Szymański (University of Warsaw), A Poet Editing a Poet Editing a Poet, p. 149–166. FIRST PAGE
- Richard Stoneman, Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend, New Haven 2008 (Aleksandra
Szalc , University of Wrocław), p. 167–169. FULL TEXT - Anna-Maria Ioppolo, David N. Sedley (eds.), Pyrrhonists, Patricians, Platonizers. Hellenistic Philosophy in the Period 155–86 BC, Napoli 2007 (Artur
Pacewicz , University of Wrocław), p. 170–172. FULL TEXT - Katharina Volk, Manilius and his Intellectual Background, Oxford 2009 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 172–175. FULL TEXT - Richard Sorabji, Robert W. Sharples (eds.), Greek and Roman Philosophy 100BC–200AD, London 2007 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 176–178. FULL TEXT - J. Mansfeld, D. T. Runia, Aëtiana. The Method and Intellectual Context of the Doxographer, vol. 2: The Compendium, Leiden 2009 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 179–182. FULL TEXT - Simon Swain, Stephen Harrison, Jaś Elsner (eds.), Severan Culture, Cambridge 2007 (Lechosław
Olszewski , Poznań), p. 182–184. FULL TEXT - Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (HAS), Stuttgart 2008 (Jerzy
Kolendo , Université de Varsovie), p. 185–186. FULL TEXT - Ryszard Sajkowski (ed.), Religia i polityka w świecie antycznym, Ostróda 2005 (Paweł
Madejski , Maria Curie-Skłodowska Universiy, Lublin), p. 187–191. FULL TEXT - Joan P. Alcock, Food in the Ancient World, Westport–London 2006 (Maciej
Kokoszko , KatarzynaGibel ), p. 191–195. FULL TEXT - Apicius, A Critical Edition with an Introduction and an English Translation of the Latin Recipe Text “Apicius”, ed. by C. Grocock, S. Grainger, Totnes 2006 (Maciej
Kokoszko , KatarzynaGibel , University of Łódź), p. 196–199. FULL TEXT - Andrzej Borowski, Iter Polono-Belgo-Ollandicum. Cultural and Literary Relationships between the Commonwealth of Poland and the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Kraków 2007 (Stefan
Kiedroń , University of Wrocław), p. 200–203. FULL TEXT.
- Maria
Marcinkowska-Rosół (Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań), Der Elenchos des Parmenides (DK 28 B 6, 1–3 und B 7, 1–2), p. 7–28. FULL TEXT - Marek
Winiarczyk (Universität Wrocław), Die indischen Weisen bei den Alexanderhistorikern, p. 29–77. FIRST PAGE - Emilia
Żybert (University of Wrocław), Simaetha versus Medea: Examples of oppositio in imitando in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica, p. 79–92. FULL TEXT - Iosephus
Korpanty (Universitate Iagellonica), De sonorum iterandorum arte Caesariana, p. 93–109. FIRST PAGE - Gregor
Maurach (Münster), Horaz, Epistel I 18 und 19: Fremdbestimmung und Freiheit, p. 111–125. FIRST PAGE - Magdalena
Koźluk (Université de Łodź), «Illustre champion, n’imitez pas un rhéteur qui attaque sans prouver.» – l’art de la polémique dans De facultatibus naturalibus de Galien, p. 127–136. FIRST PAGE
- Thomas
Gärtner (Universität zu Köln), „Lieber einen Schiffbruch“. Zum Text von Petr. Sat. 101, 7, p. 137–140. FIRST PAGE - Thomas
Gärtner (Universität zu Köln), Ein konservativer Erklärungsversuch zum „Sommerring“ des Crispinus (Iuv. 1, 29), p. 141–144. FIRST PAGE - Krzysztof Tomasz
Witczak (University of Łódź), The Bird Name kasandērion: Problems of Semantics, Etymology and Attribution, p. 145–148. FIRST PAGE - Mikołaj
Szymański (University of Warsaw), A Poet Editing a Poet Editing a Poet, p. 149–166. FIRST PAGE
- Richard Stoneman, Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend, New Haven 2008 (Aleksandra
Szalc , University of Wrocław), p. 167–169. FULL TEXT - Anna-Maria Ioppolo, David N. Sedley (eds.), Pyrrhonists, Patricians, Platonizers. Hellenistic Philosophy in the Period 155–86 BC, Napoli 2007 (Artur
Pacewicz , University of Wrocław), p. 170–172. FULL TEXT - Katharina Volk, Manilius and his Intellectual Background, Oxford 2009 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 172–175. FULL TEXT - Richard Sorabji, Robert W. Sharples (eds.), Greek and Roman Philosophy 100BC–200AD, London 2007 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 176–178. FULL TEXT - J. Mansfeld, D. T. Runia, Aëtiana. The Method and Intellectual Context of the Doxographer, vol. 2: The Compendium, Leiden 2009 (Joanna
Komorowska , Paedagogical University, Cracow), p. 179–182. FULL TEXT - Simon Swain, Stephen Harrison, Jaś Elsner (eds.), Severan Culture, Cambridge 2007 (Lechosław
Olszewski , Poznań), p. 182–184. FULL TEXT - Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (HAS), Stuttgart 2008 (Jerzy
Kolendo , Université de Varsovie), p. 185–186. FULL TEXT - Ryszard Sajkowski (ed.), Religia i polityka w świecie antycznym, Ostróda 2005 (Paweł
Madejski , Maria Curie-Skłodowska Universiy, Lublin), p. 187–191. FULL TEXT - Joan P. Alcock, Food in the Ancient World, Westport–London 2006 (Maciej
Kokoszko , KatarzynaGibel ), p. 191–195. FULL TEXT - Apicius, A Critical Edition with an Introduction and an English Translation of the Latin Recipe Text “Apicius”, ed. by C. Grocock, S. Grainger, Totnes 2006 (Maciej
Kokoszko , KatarzynaGibel , University of Łódź), p. 196–199. FULL TEXT - Andrzej Borowski, Iter Polono-Belgo-Ollandicum. Cultural and Literary Relationships between the Commonwealth of Poland and the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Kraków 2007 (Stefan
Kiedroń , University of Wrocław), p. 200–203. FULL TEXT.