- Bartłomiej
Bednarek (Jagiellonian University), Mélange of Melanaegis and Leukaspis: on the Aetiology of the Apatouria Festival, p . 159-168. FIRST PAGE - Agnieszka
Kotlińska-Toma (University of Wrocław), Is Ending a Wretched Life Pardonable? Attitudes toward Suicide in Greek Funerary Epigrams, p. 169-185. FIRST PAGE - Olga
Kubica (University of Wrocław, University of Liverpool), Beyond Influence: a Reflection on the History of Research on the Milindapañha with a Comparison of the Text to the Kitab Al Khazari, p. 187-206. FIRST PAGE - Elżbieta
Wesołowska (Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań), Circe in Petronius Sat. 126, 1–139, 4, p. 207-218. FIRST PAGE - Spyridon
Tzounakas (University of Cyprus), Pompey as ludibrium pelagi in Lucan: A Horatian Reminiscence, p. 219-226. FULL TEXT - Paulina
Komar (University of Wrocław), Greek Wines for the Roman Elite: in Search of Eastern Luxuries on Western Tables, p. 227-244. FIRST PAGE - Cezary
Dobak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Historical Thinking in the Life of Saint Theoktiste of Lesbos, p. 245-274. FIRST PAGE - Kamil
Biały (University of Szczecin), The Authorship of the Lost Source of John Skylitzes’ Synopsis Historion in the Chapter about the Reign of Michael IV, p. 275-284. FIRST PAGE - Serguey
Sharypkin (Jan Kochanowski-Universität Kielce, Filiale Piotrków Trybunalski), Zum Kategorialen Status des Vokativs. Der Vokativ in den Klassischen Sprachen, p. 285-310. FIRST PAGE - Andrew
Breeze (University of Navarre), Two Ancient Names: Britanni and Londinium, p. 311-323. FIRST PAGE
- R.B.
Rutherford , Greek Tragic Style. Form, Language and Interpretation, Cambridge 2012 (JoannaKomorowska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), p. 335-337. FULL TEXT - F.
Leigh (ed.), The Eudemian Ethics on the Voluntary, Friendship and Luck, Leiden–Boston 2012 (JoannaKomorowska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), p. 338-339. FULL TEXT - J.F.
Gaertner , B.C.Hausburg , Caesar and the Bellum Alexandrinum: An Analysis of Style, Narrative Technique, and the Reception of Greek Historiography, Göttingen 2013 (SpyridonTzounakas , University of Cyprus), p. 340-342. FULL TEXT - K.
Tuszyńska , Dyskurs Diona z Prusy w Mowach o królestwie. Mariaż retoryki z filozofią, Poznań 2014 (MarianSzarmach , Nikolaus Kopernikus-Universität Toruń), p. 343-345. FULL TEXT - B.C.
Ewald , C.F.Noreña (eds.), The Emperor and Rome. Space, Representation, and Ritual, Cambridge 2010 (LechosławOlszewski , Poznań), p. 346-348. FULL TEXT - P.
Riedlberger , Domninus of Larissa: Enchiridion and Spurious Works, Pisa–Roma 2013 (JoannaKomorowska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), p. 349-350. FULL TEXT - M.
Maślanka-Soro , Powrót Melpomeny. Tragedia włoska od średniowiecznego odrodzenia po renesansowy rozkwit, Kraków 2013 (MariaŁukaszewicz-Chantry , Université de Wrocław), p. 351-353. FULL TEXT - G.
Karsai , G.Klaniczay , D.Movrin , E.Olechowska (eds.), Classics and Communism. Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtian, Ljubljana–Budapest–Warsaw 2013 (SylwesterDworacki , Poznań), p. 354-357. FULL TEXT
- Bartłomiej
Bednarek , Mélange of Melanaegis and Leukaspis: on the Aetiology of the Apatouria Festival, p . 159-168. FIRST PAGE - Agnieszka
Kotlińska-Toma , Is Ending a Wretched Life Pardonable? Attitudes toward Suicide in Greek Funerary Epigrams, p. 169-185. FIRST PAGE - Olga
Kubica , Beyond Influence: a Reflection on the History of Research on the Milindapañha with a Comparison of the Text to the Kitab Al Khazari, p. 187-206. FIRST PAGE - Elżbieta
Wesołowska , Circe in Petronius Sat. 126, 1–139, 4, p. 207-218. FIRST PAGE - Spyridon
Tzounakas , Pompey as ludibrium pelagi in Lucan: A Horatian Reminiscence, p. 219-226. FULL TEXT - Paulina
Komar , Greek Wines for the Roman Elite: in Search of Eastern Luxuries on Western Tables, p. 227-244. FIRST PAGE - Cezary
Dobak , Historical Thinking in the Life of Saint Theoktiste of Lesbos, p. 245-274. FIRST PAGE - Kamil
Biały , The Authorship of the Lost Source of John Skylitzes’ Synopsis Historion in the Chapter about the Reign of Michael IV, p. 275-284. FIRST PAGE - Serguey
Sharypkin , Zum Kategorialen Status des Vokativs. Der Vokativ in den Klassischen Sprachen, p. 285-310. FIRST PAGE - Andrew
Breeze , Two Ancient Names: Britanni and Londinium, p. 311-323. FIRST PAGE
- R.B.
Rutherford , Greek Tragic Style. Form, Language and Interpretation, Cambridge 2012 (JoannaKomorowska ), p. 335-337. FULL TEXT - F.
Leigh (ed.), The Eudemian Ethics on the Voluntary, Friendship and Luck, Leiden–Boston 2012 (JoannaKomorowska ), p. 338-339. FULL TEXT - J.F.
Gaertner , B.C.Hausburg , Caesar and the Bellum Alexandrinum: An Analysis of Style, Narrative Technique, and the Reception of Greek Historiography, Göttingen 2013 (SpyridonTzounakas ), p. 340-342. FULL TEXT - K.
Tuszyńska , Dyskurs Diona z Prusy w Mowach o królestwie. Mariaż retoryki z filozofią, Poznań 2014 (MarianSzarmach ), p. 343-345. FULL TEXT - B.C.
Ewald , C.F.Noreña (eds.), The Emperor and Rome. Space, Representation, and Ritual, Cambridge 2010 (LechosławOlszewski ), p. 346-348. FULL TEXT - P.
Riedlberger , Domninus of Larissa: Enchiridion and Spurious Works, Pisa–Roma 2013 (JoannaKomorowska ), p. 349-350. FULL TEXT - M.
Maślanka-Soro , Powrót Melpomeny. Tragedia włoska od średniowiecznego odrodzenia po renesansowy rozkwit, Kraków 2013 (MariaŁukaszewicz-Chantry ), p. 351-353. FULL TEXT - G.
Karsai , G.Klaniczay , D.Movrin , E.Olechowska (eds.), Classics and Communism. Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtian, Ljubljana–Budapest–Warsaw 2013 (SylwesterDworacki ), p. 354-357. FULL TEXT