“Eos” is a peer-reviewed biannual journal devoted to Greek and Roman antiquity and classical tradition. It was founded in 1894 in Lwów (Lviv) by Ludwik Ćwikliński and is published by the Polish Classical Association (Societas Philologa Polonorum).
“Eos” welcomes articles (up to 40 pp.), notes (up to 5 pp.) and reviews (up to 10 pp. or longer review articles) written in Latin, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Contributions submitted to “Eos” must not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publishing elsewhere (either in whole or in part, in any language).
Please use one-and-a-half line spacing for both main text and footnotes. For Greek please use Unicode fonts (preferably New Athena).
Please submit an electronic version of your paper in Word for Windows format. It should be sent to the address or directly to the editors.
Use italics for emphasis and in very short quotations from Latin authors. Put longer quotations in inverted double commas. Avoid, unless necessary, very long quotations from Greek. Greek quotations should be accompanied by translation.
Please avoid very long and, if possible, very short footnotes. Simple references to ancient authors may be placed in parentheses in main text.
In referring to ancient authorities please conform to the following principles:
for abbreviating Greek and Latin authors and their works follow, in general, OCD3 (but add, when appropriate, a consonant at the end: Plut., not Plu.);
use Roman numerals for books in ancient authors (Hom. Od. VII 36 but not Catull. LI 8); also, separate the number of a chapter from that of a paragraph with comma and spacing (Thuc. I 22, 4);
for inscriptions follow SEG and L’Année épigraphique.
Please refer to modern authorities as follows:
E. Norden, Aus altrömischen Priesterbüchern, Lund–Leipzig 1939, pp. 144–145 / Norden, op. cit. (n. 7), pp. 144–145 (not 144–5 or 144-145).
H. Erbse, Beiträge zum Pindartext, Hermes LXXXVIII 1960, pp. 23–33 (not, if possible, 23 ff.).
E. Badian, The Early Historians, in: T.A. Dorey (ed.), Latin Historians, London 1966, pp. 1–38 (rather than Latin Historians, ed. by T.A. Dorey).
C. Koch, Vesta, RE VIII A, 2 (1958), col. 1732, 25–28.
Alternatively, add a bibliographical appendix listing all works cited in your paper and refer to them in footnotes in a simplified form: Norden 1939: 144–145. Please note that this system is to be preferred for longer papers and those with many bibliographical references. Do not use it for reviews.
Use Roman numerals for volumes of books and periodicals. Put family names of modern authorities (also editors, translators, etc.), in both text and notes, in Small Capitals (not in CAPITAL LETTERS). Abbreviate journal titles in accordance with L’Année philologique (exceptions possible, if justified). Please adjust bibliographical references to the language of your contribution (in a paper written in German, use “Hg.” and not “ed.” or “a cura di”, regardless of the language of a reference cited). However, state places of publication as they appear in a cited book (München, not Munich).
All articles should be accompanied by an abstract, of about 100–200 words, preferably in English.
Upon publication, authors will receive a PDF copy of their contributions, together with a complimentary printed copy of the appropriate issue of the journal.