- Maja
Miziur-Moździoch (University of Wrocław), Bestial Rivalry: Animal Propaganda in the Hellenistic Kingdoms, p. 7–28. FIRST PAGE - Marek
Hermann (Jagiellonen-Universität), Die rhetorischen Fragen in der römischen Theorie der Beredsamkeit, p. 29–44. FIRST PAGE - Katarzyna
Jażdżewska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), Dialogic Format of Philo of Alexandria’s De animalibus, p. 45–56. FULL TEXT - Mateusz
Stróżyński (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Heaven, Hell, and the Earth: Infanticide in Seneca’s Hercules, p. 57–94. FIRST PAGE - Karol
Kłodziński (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), The Office of a rationibus in the Imperial Government. A Historiographical Controversy, p. 95–128. FIRST PAGE - Michał
Bzinkowski (Jagiellonian University), Notes on Eschatological Patterns in a 12th Century Anonymous Satirical Dialogue the Timarion, p. 129–148. FIRST PAGE. - Robert A.
Sucharski (University of Warsaw), Marginalia to M. Egetmeyer’s Monograph on the Cypriot Dialect, p. 149–154. FIRST PAGE - Paweł
Nowakowski (University of Warsaw), A Note on the Meaning of θεοδέγμων κῆπος in a Nonnian Verse Inscription from Aphrodisias, p. 155–164. FULL TEXT - Arsenio
Ferraces Rodríguez (Universidade da Coruña), Dos recetas del Ars medicinalis de animalibus en un manuscrito del siglo XII, p. 165–173. FIRST PAGE - Aleksandra
Szalc (University of Wrocław), India in the Alexander Romance, p. 175–179. FULL TEXT - Agnieszka
Franczyk-Cegła (Université de Wrocław), Les éléments épiques dans les satires de Juvénal, p. 180–192. FULL TEXT - A. Gottesman, Politics and the Street in Democratic Athens, Cambridge 2014 (Rafał
Matuszewski , Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Universität Heidelberg), p. 193–197. FULL TEXT - A. Kotlińska-Toma, Hellenistic Tragedy: Texts, Translations and a Critical Survey, London–New York 2015 (Antonis K.
Petrides , Open University of Cyprus), p. 198–201. FULL TEXT - W. Appel (ed.),Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff i jego mała ojczyzna. Wosiemdziesiątą rocznicę śmierci wielkiego kujawianina, Strzelno 2013 (Maciej
Daszuta , Uniwersytet Wrocławski), p. 202–204. FULL TEXT - Maja
Miziur-Moździoch , Bestial Rivalry: Animal Propaganda in the Hellenistic Kingdoms, p. 7–28. FIRST PAGE - Marek
Hermann , Die rhetorischen Fragen in der römischen Theorie der Beredsamkeit, p. 29–44. FIRST PAGE - Katarzyna
Jażdżewska , Dialogic Format of Philo of Alexandria’s De animalibus, p. 45–56. FULL TEXT - Mateusz
Stróżyński , Heaven, Hell, and the Earth: Infanticide in Seneca’s Hercules, p. 57–94. FIRST PAGE - Karol
Kłodziński , The Office of a rationibus in the Imperial Government. A Historiographical Controversy, p. 95–128. FIRST PAGE - Michał
Bzinkowski , Notes on Eschatological Patterns in a 12th Century Anonymous Satirical Dialogue the Timarion, p. 129–148. FIRST PAGE. - Robert A.
Sucharski , Marginalia to M. Egetmeyer’s Monograph on the Cypriot Dialect, p. 149–154. FIRST PAGE - Paweł
Nowakowski , A Note on the Meaning of θεοδέγμων κῆπος in a Nonnian Verse Inscription from Aphrodisias, p. 155–164. FULL TEXT - Arsenio
Ferraces Rodríguez , Dos recetas del Ars medicinalis de animalibus en un manuscrito del siglo XII, p. 165–173. FIRST PAGE - Aleksandra
Szalc , India in the Alexander Romance, p. 175–179. FULL TEXT - Agnieszka
Franczyk-Cegła , Les éléments épiques dans les satires de Juvénal, p. 180–192. FULL TEXT - A. Gottesman, Politics and the Street in Democratic Athens, Cambridge 2014 (Rafał
Matuszewski ), p. 193–197. FULL TEXT - A. Kotlińska-Toma, Hellenistic Tragedy: Texts, Translations and a Critical Survey, London–New York 2015 (Antonis K.
Petrides ), p. 198–201. FULL TEXT - W. Appel (ed.),Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff i jego mała ojczyzna. Wosiemdziesiątą rocznicę śmierci wielkiego kujawianina, Strzelno 2013 (Maciej
Daszuta ), p. 202–204. FULL TEXT