- Olivera
Krgovič (Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition in Poland and East–Central Europe, Warsaw), The Significance of Kidneys in Ancient Egypt with their Possible Role in the Judgment of the Dead, p. 9–28. FIRST PAGE - Karol
Zieliński (University of Wrocław), The Prosody of βορέης in Iliad IX 5. Interpretation of the Homeric Hexameter, p. 29–40. FIRST PAGE - Joanna
Komorowska (Pedagogical University, Kraków), Tantalid History and Euripides’ Orestes, p. 41–64. FULL TEXT - Spyridon
Tzounakas (University of Cyprus), Transforming the Trial into a Battle: Military Language in the Exordium of Cicero’s Pro Milone, p. 65–80. FIRST PAGE - Anna Maria
Wasyl (Università Jagellonica), Le metamorfosi di Medea in Ovidio, Metamorphoses VII, e Draconzio, Romulea X, p. 81–99. FULL TEXT - Ireneusz
Łuć (University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin), Praetorians from Pisaurum and Fanum Fortunae in Northern Umbria, p. 101–122. FIRST PAGE - Robert
Suski (University of Białystok), Aurelian, Clubs, and Herodotus. The Weapons of Troops from Palestine in the Battle of Emesa (272 AD), p. 123–135. FIRST PAGE - Bogusław
Pfeiffer (Wrocław), Ut Pictura Poesis and Orbis Polonus: Ekphraseis in Old Polish Literary Works Glorifying Rulers, p. 137–158. FIRST PAGE
- Rafał
Rosół (Jan-Kochanowski-Świętokrzyska Akademie in Kielce, Filiale in Piotrków Trybunalski), Zu einer syllabischen Inschriften aus Kouklia-Paphos (Kouklia nr. 5 = ICS Nr. 15c), p. 159–162. FIRST PAGE - Krystyna
Bartol (Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań), Die Schwarzpappeln im pseudohippokratischen Brief 17, 2. Ein Versuch ihrer Deutung, p. 163–168. FIRST PAGE
- T.K. Johansen, Plato’s Natural Philosophy. A Study of the Timaeus – Critias, Cambridge 2004 (Joanna
Komorowska , Pedagogical University of Cracow), p. 169–171. FULL TEXT - George E. Karamanolis, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry, Oxford 2006 (Joanna
Komorowska , Pedagogical University of Cracow), p. 171–174. FULL TEXT - Geoffrey S. Sumi, Ceremony and Power. Performing Politics in Rome between Republic and Empire, Ann Arbor 2005 (Lechosław
Olszewski , Poznań), p. 174–177. FULL TEXT
- Olivera
Krgovič (Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition in Poland and East–Central Europe, Warsaw), The Significance of Kidneys in Ancient Egypt with their Possible Role in the Judgment of the Dead, p. 9–28. FIRST PAGE - Karol
Zieliński (University of Wrocław), The Prosody of βορέης in Iliad IX 5. Interpretation of the Homeric Hexameter, p. 29–40. FIRST PAGE - Joanna
Komorowska (Pedagogical University, Kraków), Tantalid History and Euripides’ Orestes, p. 41–64. FULL TEXT - Spyridon
Tzounakas (University of Cyprus), Transforming the Trial into a Battle: Military Language in the Exordium of Cicero’s Pro Milone, p. 65–80. FIRST PAGE - Anna Maria
Wasyl (Università Jagellonica), Le metamorfosi di Medea in Ovidio, Metamorphoses VII, e Draconzio, Romulea X, p. 81–99. FULL TEXT - Ireneusz
Łuć (University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin), Praetorians from Pisaurum and Fanum Fortunae in Northern Umbria, p. 101–122. FIRST PAGE - Robert
Suski (University of Białystok), Aurelian, Clubs, and Herodotus. The Weapons of Troops from Palestine in the Battle of Emesa (272 AD), p. 123–135. FIRST PAGE - Bogusław
Pfeiffer (Wrocław), Ut Pictura Poesis and Orbis Polonus: Ekphraseis in Old Polish Literary Works Glorifying Rulers, p. 137–158. FIRST PAGE
- Rafał
Rosół (Jan-Kochanowski-Świętokrzyska Akademie in Kielce, Filiale in Piotrków Trybunalski), Zu einer syllabischen Inschriften aus Kouklia-Paphos (Kouklia nr. 5 = ICS Nr. 15c), p. 159–162. FIRST PAGE - Krystyna
Bartol (Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań), Die Schwarzpappeln im pseudohippokratischen Brief 17, 2. Ein Versuch ihrer Deutung, p. 163–168. FIRST PAGE
- T.K. Johansen, Plato’s Natural Philosophy. A Study of the Timaeus – Critias, Cambridge 2004 (Joanna
Komorowska , Pedagogical University of Cracow), p. 169–171. FULL TEXT - George E. Karamanolis, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry, Oxford 2006 (Joanna
Komorowska , Pedagogical University of Cracow), p. 171–174. FULL TEXT - Geoffrey S. Sumi, Ceremony and Power. Performing Politics in Rome between Republic and Empire, Ann Arbor 2005 (Lechosław
Olszewski , Poznań), p. 174–177. FULL TEXT