- Mieszek Jagiełło, Das Mythem der verlorenen Sonnenstrahlen und das Motiv des Rinderdiebstahls, pp. 9–30. [First page]
- Dorota Zygmuntowicz, Plato’s Critique of Democracy and his Conception of Education for Democracy, pp. 31–54. [First page]
- Giuseppe Bocchi, Le geometrie del disfacimento umano nel Bellum civile di Lucano: per una lettura della battaglia di Marsiglia, pp. 55–79. [First page]
- Krystyna Bartol, Bridegroom Nile and Bride Egypt (PSI VII 845r = XXXIX 1–11 Heitsch = 43(A) Perale), pp. 81–90. [First page]
- Danuta Okoń, Military Tribunate in the Careers of Roman Senators of the Severan Period. Part 3: Higher Military Command (Legatus Legionis, Praepositus, Dux), pp. 91–114. [First page]
- Gábor Takács, Towards the African Etymology of Greek ἔβενoς, pp. 115–166. [First page]
- Heiko Ullrich, Eine Konjektur zu Lucr. I 703, pp. 167–172. [First page]
- Karolina Ekes e Mikołaj Szymański, La relazione tra mentha e mentula ed altri problemi nel testo del De honesta voluptate di Bartolomeo Platina, pp. 173–179. [First page]
- Michał Halamus, The Bosporan Kingdom and Rome, pp. 181–193. [Full text]
- Richard Rawles, Callimachus, London 2019 (Emilia Żybert), pp. 195–196. [Full text]
- Bernd Lorenz, Griechische Grabgedichte Thessaliens. Beispiele für poetische Kleinkunst der Antike, Heidelberg 2019 (Andrzej Wypustek), pp. 197–198. [Full text]
- Tobias Boll, Ciceros Rede cum senatui gratias egit. Ein Kommentar, Berlin–Boston 2019 (Damian Pierzak), pp. 199–202. [Full text]
- Joanna Kenty, Cicero’s Political Personae, Cambridge 2020 (Damian Pierzak), pp. 203–207. [Full text]
- Orange Four, Green and Yellow Fifteen: Two Commentaries on Tacitus’ Annals from Cambridge. A review of A.J. Woodman, The Annals of Tacitus, Book 4, Cambridge 2018 and Tacitus, Annals, Book XV, ed. by R. Ash, Cambridge 2018 (Jakub Pigoń), pp. 208–218. [Full text]
- Paul J. Burton, Roman Imperialism, Leiden–Boston 2019 (Katarzyna Balbuza), pp. 219–221. [Full text]
- Francesco Berardi, La retorica degli esercizi preparatori: glossario ragionato dei Progymnásmata, Hildesheim 2017 (Bartosz Awianowicz), pp. 222–224. [Full text]
- Peter Franz Mittag, Römische Medaillons, vol. II: Antoninus Pius, Stuttgart 2019 (Bartosz Awianowicz), pp. 225–226. [Full text]
- Reconstructing the Ancient Latin Classroom. A review of E. Dickey, Learning Latin the Ancient Way. Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World, Cambridge 2016, and E. Dickey, Learn Latin from the Romans. A Complete Introductory Course Using Textbooks from the Roman Empire, Cambridge 2018 (Katarzyna Ochman), pp. 227–233. [Full text]
- Tino Licht (ed.), Walahfrid Strabo: De imagine Tetrici. Das Standbild des Russigen Dietrich, Heidelberg 2020 (Beata Spieralska-Kasprzyk), pp. 234–235. [Full text]
- Regine May, Stephen J. Harrison (eds.), Cupid and Psyche. The reception of Apuleius’ Love Story since 1600, Berlin–Boston 2020 (Mateusz Stróżyński), pp. 236–238. [Full text]